
Letters to Rachel

A husband reaches out to his wife as part of the ultimate long-distance relationship.

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Four Years Since

Dearest Rachel – It wasn’t until I sent that letter about last night’s (this morning’s?) dream that I realized what day it was. Between all the traveling I’ve been doing – combined with the subsequent jet lag and so forth – and the fact that I don’t exactly answer to clock or calendar means that…

Stalin and the Sewers

Dearest Rachel – I rarely know what to make of things when I have dreams (nightmares?) about work and responsibilities. For one thing, it’s always dismaying that I see so much more of Mohinder and DJ than I do of you in my dreams, in any event. For another, there’s the fact that I’m almost…

Your Regularly Scheduled Lifecast

Dearest Rachel – Well, I think that’s taken care of things; with the Ultimate World Cruise (at least, the single leg I was on for) behind me, and a weekend’s worth of mostly bed rest, I think I’m ready to get back to my regular routine, after a fashion. Sure, I’ve promised myself that I…

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