
Letters to Rachel

A husband reaches out to his wife as part of the ultimate long-distance relationship.

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from Rachel: Where Will My Help Come From?

“‘I’ve moved my mind up, so I’m okay’” Song originated with God and accompanied “creation” (Job 38:7) In scripture, singing is attributed to both “God” the “Father” and “Christ” the “Son” “Specifically, Psalms, ending with number 118, an especially messianic Psalm Jesus will one day sing to God in our presence” “Emotions” and “experience” can…

We Were Ordinary

Dearest Rachel – You probably remember my surprise at some people’s reaction to my travel plans when they were slowly coming together. The fact that other clients of my travel agency would see me as That Guy going on That Trip felt a little bemusing. I mean, I didn’t see myself as being any different…

Moving Out

Dearest Rachel – Well, this is it. After having unpacked in my stateroom upon arrival – and having accumulated so much since then, it’s time for me to gather everything back up, and move out, if I can. But first, I have a morning ritual to perform for the last time. You’re probably wondering why…

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